Threat information should be disseminated as rapidly as possible, and is encouraged between businesses that may otherwise be restricted by anti-competitive laws or regulations
This article is the third in a series discussing the importance of an Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) in the Food and Agriculture sector. In our first article,1 we discussed how security threats against the sector are increasing, and how cyber threats against the global supply system are on the rise. To raise awareness of these threats and to encourage a coordinated response in the event of a wide-spread incident, we recommended that an ISAC be formed for the sector. Our second article2 reviewed the history of ISACs and discussed the importance of establishing one specifically for the Food and Agriculture industry. We also talked about the necessary steps to set up an ISAC in the sector.
In this article, we will discuss the types of threat and vulnerability information that can be legally shared between companies and organizations. The rapid dissemination of threat information is crucial, and businesses are encouraged to share such information even if they may be restricted by anti-competitive laws or regulations.